
Jema is part of the Flexitranstore project

FLEXITRANSTORE (An Integrated Platform for Increased FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources) aims to contribute to the evolution towards a pan-European transmission network with high flexibility and high interconnection levels. This will facilitate the transformation of the current energy production mix by hosting an increasing share of renewable energy sources. Novel smart grid technologies, control and storage methods and new market approaches will be developed, installed, demonstrated and tested introducing flexibility to the European power system.

Jema is part of the FLEXITRANSTORE project and is the leader of  WP6. WP6 will design a Battery Storage Energy System that will be allocated in Aisimi substation at the Northern Greece. The main expected benefits are the power oscillation damping in renewable generation (Inertial response), smoothing the power fluctuations in the WPP due to the unpredictable of the wind-source (Predictive algorithms) and the demonstration of the convenience of the power firming in WPP.

The WPP hosting this demonstrator is located in Aisimi substation (150kV/20kV) in Northern Greece, close to the interconnection Greece-Turkey at the Nea Santa Substation, and the PCI new interconnection Greece- Bulgaria. The substation owned by ANEMOS is connected to its installed capacity 39,1MW wind park via a 150kV/20kV step up transformer, in an area with high wind capacity and several existing an on-track wind generation projects. It is expected that a BESS will be integrated in the WPP substation to improve the plant response and increase flexibility, adding inertial response, predictive algorithms and power firming.

FLEXITRANSTORE will transform the European Power System through interventions that target the whole Energy Value Chain.